
Computer Viruses

Posted on 10:07 PM by Unknown

It should be understood that merely getting rid of viruses when they infect your computer... isn't really the best way of going about protecting yourself from virus infection.

Of course, you want to run a scan regularly to make sure that you're clean, but more importantly, you need to make sure you're actually protected in the first place. If you only scan your computer when it starts slowing down, then you're only dealing with the problem after it happens.

When the home computer market really started to take off in the mid- 1990s, many users actually wound up replacing their computers when they started to slow down thanks to virus infections. This was before these new PC users really knew what viruses were, as they just assumed that a two-year-old computer running at a snail's crawl was just "showing its age." Really, this is comparable to trading your car in when all it needed was an oil change.

Carrying this analogy a little further, installing a full security system onto your computer is comparable to carrying full insurance on your car... as opposed to waiting until you're in an accident and then worrying about how you’re going to pay for the damage.

In other words, it’s simply not the sort of thing you can afford to neglect.

At this very moment, there are viruses trying to get into your computer, whether it’s through websites, through e-mail, through IM messages, or through an open Wi-Fi connection. If you are connected to the Internet, then you are literally under assault day and night from the virus makers.

It is not even a matter of “you will probably get infected if you don’t protect yourself.” Rather, you will become infected if you don’t protect yourself. In fact, there may be some viruses on your computer right now, depending on the last time you ran a scan.

So, get some security software and scan your computer regularly, at least once a week, with a “search and destroy” anti-virus program.

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